Social Gatherings

Social Gathering Policies

During the hours of your gathering everyone in your room MUST have a VALID Akeome Con Badge for entry.

You may not charge an entry fee.

You may not sell anything in your room party.

Voluntary tip jars are allowed. No minimum tip requests or suggested donations.

Monetary amount (even if it’s just a suggestion) + item or service = commerce. This is not allowed.

All room party hosts and volunteers must be registered for Akeome Con. 

While more than one host may be registered for a given room, AT LEAST one of the hosts must be physically present, and responsible AT ALL TIMES during the room’s hours of operation.

Your room must welcome everyone wearing a current Akeome Con badge, if anyone is cause for concern please report it to Akeome Con staff immediately.

Akeome Con DOES NOT pay for your room. All hosts are responsible for their own room costs and any fees they may incur.

All Social Gatherings must be open for a minimum of 8 hours total spread across Friday and/or Saturday.

No Social Gatherings may be open before 5pm on Friday.

Barring emergencies, social rooms must be open for all of their stated hours. If there is an emergency and the room needs to open late or close early, the hosts should contact staff ASAP.

You must post your room hours near your door, as a courtesy for our attendees so they know when you are open!

All speakers must be inside the room.

In the event of noise or other complaints with regards to our social gatherings they will first be handled by convention staff before being escalated to hotel staff if necessary.

No fog machines.

No dry ice.

No open flame.

Blue painter’s tape is the only acceptable tape to use on the walls. Do not use any other type of tape. 

Do not cover or tamper with any thermostats, smoke detectors, or fire sprinklers.

You must check for a valid Akeome Con badge before serving anyone. 

Serving alcohol to someone who is already visibly intoxicated is known as over-serving. Use your best judgment to avoid over-serving, you are responsible for your Social Gathering.

If it’s illegal outside the hotel, it’s illegal inside the hotel.

Our location is a non-smoking hotel. The smoking area is in front of the hotel, just outside the main lobby entrance.

For a fee, you can request the hotel to remove the bed from the room. This is $100 and can only be done for the poolside party rooms.