New Year, New Name!

We are thrilled to share our latest updates and news with you! As some of you may know, we're rebranding. After reading all of your wonderful name suggestions, one really resonated with us!

Akeome Con 2024 will be December 27th to December 29th!

Akeome is slang in Japanese for Happy New Year! While we can't always fall on New Year, it is what we are about! A 21+ nerdy celebration to end every year.

We appreciate your suggestions in our feedback form and look forward to serving you even better. We are listening and can't wait to see you soon!

Akeome Con 2024 badges will go on sale 4/20!

Don't miss your chance at VIP and don't forget the first regular full weekend badge purchased is upgraded to VIP for FREE!

Make sure you subscribe to our email updates at the bottom of the page!

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